In an interview with Fides, Mgrs. Alberto Suárez Inda, Archbishop of Morelia, the capital of the Mexican region of Michoacán, expresses his strong concern about the social conditions of the country, which has long been the scene of violent clashes between armed groups involved in drug trafficking and the police, in whose ranks corruption is increasing and, so, civil insecurity is growing, to the point that one feels the need for a military intervention to restore order in the area. The cause of this moral and social deterioration, in the Bishop’s view, especially of cultural origin and education, is due to the «
lack of public education» and the «
fragmentation of society». Precisely because of the state of danger in the region, the Major Seminary of St. Joseph and St. Mary in the Diocese of Apatzingán, metropolis of Morelia, was closed.
«This destroys the family—Msgr. Suárez Inda said—and increases emigration from the area. There are villages where there are only children and grandparents, but there are no parents».Therefore, it’s time to change and «rebuild society from below», the prelate says, by involving all citizens, in order to «adopt a system based on justice, without falling into the temptation of the severe pessimism». Then he concluded: «Evil does not have the last word. We must always live in the founded hope that man, in spite of all that may sound bad, is not totally corrupt».