On the occasione of the Day of fasting and prayer for Peace in Siria, in Middle East and throughout the world, which Pope Francis proclaimed for whole Church on 7 September next, the vigilo f the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace, the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, sent a Message to all the families (Attached).
«War never again! Never again war!», the Pontifex said. «May the plea for peace rise up and touch the heart of everyone so that they may lay down their weapons and be let themselves be led by the desire for peace», Pope Francis said. The appointment in Saint Peter’s Square is from 19:00 until 24:00, «in a spirito f penance, invoking God’s great gift of peace upon the belve nation of Syria and upon each situation of conflict and violence around the world».
«My heart is deeply wounded and anguished in particular by what is happening in Syria», Pope Bergoglio said. «How much suffering, how much deva station, how much pain, especially among civilians and the unarmed!». An especial thinking about the «many children will not see the light of the future».
«Pope Francis’ invitation to a day of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria and in all nations affected by the tragedy of war calls to be accepted by all of us with great seriousness and commitment», we read in the Message of Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia to all the families. «The images that have circulated worldwide and the continuing tragic news question our hearts, our minds, and our faith. I invite you, therefore, to accept the Pope’s proposal and to make in your own home a gesture of fasting and prayer».
The President of our Dicastery asks to the Parents «do not be afraid to propose an austere and minimal lunch to their children; it will be an opportunity to explain to them what is happening in the world and how these terrible things cannot leave us indifferent». Then after: «Don’t forget to invite the grandparents and the elderly to this meal composed of little food and many words; if anyone has experienced moments of war stories, let him or her tell about it means to live under the bombs and with uncertainty about tomorrow as well as the sense of their pray during days». The appeal to the children «don’t complain if there aren’t any big dishes on the table; but rather thank their parents for what they are in fact offering to you, and ask them for explanations and reasons of why it’s worth continuing to live in this land, too often marked by mourning and violence». And here it the appeal of our President to all over the world: «Together, at the table, pray! For families of Syria, for the children who die every day from hunger and hatred, for the governmental leaders who called to find peaceful and non-violent solutions».