Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, beatified in 2008, have been the patrons of the first Family Day organized by the diocese of Avignon, France. Scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd, the event started at 9:30 am and more than 600 people attended. «Our hope—said the city's Archbishop, Msgr. Jean-Pierre Cattenoz—is to celebrate families really like “small churches” in the heart of the Church».
For the occasion, from September 20th to October 3rd, the relics of the Martin couple will be on a pilgrimage in the diocese. «In the life of the Martins— Msgr. Cattenoz said —you feel the power of the Holy Spirit, because they let themselves be guided together by the Lord, and their path to holiness is also seen in their children». «Today—the Archbishop says—the family is a place of holiness for spouses and children; there, despite the flaws and human limitations, we must be prepared to walk in accordance with God’s guidance, accepting His plans, which are more beautiful than anyone can imagine». In this sense, Msgr. Cattenoz underlines that «the festival of the family is a natural way to show the beauty of being Christian». On the other hand, Bernard Taïani, the diocesan delegate for Avignon’s Family Pastoral Ministry, says that «the festival is placed in the current debate on the family and on the attacks against it, because today’s family units really need to be supported and encouraged».
There have been many moments of debate and an animation stands representing various ecclesial movements. The festival on September 22nd revolved mainly around two conferences: the first was entitled “The Family today,” while the second, given by Bishop Cattenoz himself, was focused on “Mr. and Mrs. Martin, a modern model for all”. A solemn Mass, at 3:00 p.m., closed the event.