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The Family at the Heart of the Church 
The first Conference hosted by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, on Saturday, September 28th
 On Saturday, September 28th, the Conference organized by the Council of the local Bishops’ Conference for Marriage and Family on the theme: “Marriage at the Heart of the Church,” will be held in Maynooth, Ireland. This is « an opportunity to explore at depth the vision of marriage and family in Catholic theology and spirituality,… with particular attention to needy families in Irish society today», say the Irish Bishops who are promoting the meeting, which is open to all those who are interested. The work will be opened by the Bishop of Elphin, Msgr. Christopher Jones. The main speakers will be Mr. and Mrs. Stijn and Grace Van den Bossche. Stijn teaches at the Catholic University of Luvanio and is Secretary General of the Inter-diocesan Commission for Catechesi in Belgium.
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