Vocabulary is the guardian of nuances. It’s the enemy of those who think that the whole world is black or white, good or bad. It’s a great thing to learn to call everything that exists and happens by its name». This affirmation was written by Fr. Andrea Ciucci, an Official of our Dicastery, in his book “Le parole che voglio sentire” (“The words I want to hear”) (Edizioni San Paolo, 13.00 €), presented on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 6:30 p.m. at the eCampus-University of Rome, in the presence of Paola Martini, President of the association “Comunicare,” and Rita Neri, Head organizer of the university in Rome, in coordination with the Vaticanist Francesca Paltracca.
The book is a sort of “first aid” manual for the changes in puberty and adolescence. With a clear and simple language, adapted to the age of the readers to whom it is primarily addressed, he speaks like a wise and understanding friend, to young people who are going through the delicate existential passage from childhood to adulthood, with “ten words for thinking” through the problems typical of this age: trust, study, excitement, hard work, communication, fighting, loving, waiting, choosing and dreaming.
«Everything happens almost by surprise. One day you wake up and the world seems to be changing. [...] At age twelve the world doesn’t change. We change». This is the beginning of the exciting literary and pastoral journey into the world of youngsters.