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The Special Place of the Family 
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia at the European meeting in Brussels on “The Christian faith and values in working life”
 On Saturday, October 12th, 2013, at the Second European Meeting on the theme: “T he Christian faith and values in working life” (October 11th to 13th) in Brussels, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, will give the introductory lecture of the day, entitled: “ Families, the Church loves you”. For the occasion, the President of the Council was interviewed by Elizabeth de Séjournet. Despite the radical transformations that are happening throughout today’s society in terms of family organization and legislation, «many families are living daily in fidelity to the founding values of the institution of the family», while the other side of the coin is represented by those who live in «ignorance of the deeper meaning and the true value of family life and marriage», says Msgr. Paglia. «The family has a special place in the social and civil order as well as in the spiritual order». The family is a «school of tolerance and generosity, and it represents the art participating in the equilibrium of a community». The Gospel message is the only one that is truly “ecological and humanist”, and families are the foundry of solidarity. «The role of the family is to accompany human frailties».
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