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Close to Women   versione testuale
Over 200 participants from 12 countries in Buenos Aires for the Meeting of the Centros de Ayuda a la Mujer frente al aborto

Over 200 health professionals, social workers and volunteers, committed lay people and priests from twelve countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, the United States, Uruguay and Venezuela) took part in the sixth Meeting sponsored by the Latin American Center for aid to women against abortion (Centros de Ayuda a la Mujer frente al Aborto - CAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the second week of October. The aim of the meeting was to «strengthen, through sharing and the exchange of experiences, the common spirituality that animates the work of accompanying women in situations of high social and emotional vulnerability, especially those who wish to redeem themselves and are searching for the message of the Gospel».

Founders of the Center are the spouses Jorge and Magdalena Serrano Limón. The ecclesiastical assistant is Father Shenan Bosquet, President of Human Life International. The Coordinator of the Centers in Latin America is Lourdes Delgrado.
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