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The Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family/3   versione testuale
Rome, October 25th, 2013

The Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family concluded its last day of work with the celebration of Holy Mass, presided over by the Dicastery’s President, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia.
The morning began with a lecture by Rabbi David Rosen on “The Charter of the Rights of the Family in the Jewish Perspective”. Dr. Rosen first highlighted the differences between the Jewish and Catholic teachings concerning the family. The Jews admit divorce and contraception, and they recognize the human person as such from the moment of birth and not as an embryo. Both religions, however, give a central value to marriage and to the family in society and in faith. For the Jewish religion, «the home is the heart of the liturgical celebration and the family has a spiritual value, it has the mission of holiness». The love in the family, for parents, is love for God. Moreover, it is the observance of the Faith that maintains societies and ensures the continuity of the generations.
The most important moment of the day was the Audience of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, with the members and advisors of the Pontifical Council for the Family. After the President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, greeted the Pontiff, the Pope delivered a moving speech. Among other things, the Holy Father said that «the family is a community of life in itself, not the sum of the people who compose it. And it is the place where we learn to love». One could say—the Pope continued—that the family is «the driving force of the world and of history, the natural center of human life, where man’s personality is constructed: it is the place where he receives his the name, where people learn to manage their affections, the responsibility for one another, dialogue, and the art of communicating». Therefore, «the family community must be recognized and protected in its autonomy, while today there is a prevailing culture that protects exclusively the rights of the individual».
«The family is based on marriage», the Pope said. «Through an act of free love Christian spouses attest that marriage is based on the union of a man and a woman as the first sacrament of humanity. In the love of the spouses and the family, each person’s vocation to love forever is clearly revealed. The difficulties, sacrifices and crises are steps that lead us to increasingly open up to one another, with confidence in God’s love». «There are problems in marriage and in families—added Pope Francis—, there are different points of view, there is jealousy, misunderstanding and quarrelling, but we must say to newlyweds that the important thing is to never end the day without making peace. Making peace renews the sacrament of marriage and keeps the family together». He had a special thought for children and grandparents. «A society that forgets the children and the elderly cuts off its own roots and its future. Taking care of children and elderly people is an act of civilization». «Proclaiming the good news of the family is an important part of the evangelization entrusted to Christians in the testimony of life», said the Pope, who spoke «with particular affection to the families in need».
In the afternoon, a lecture was given by Msgr. John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia (United States). He presented the work of preparation for the 2015 World Meeting of Families, which will be held in that North American city.
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia concluded the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family by urging all the participants to work closely with the Pope and with the Dicastery in pastoral care for the family and for life throughout the world.
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