In Africa, the woman is the head of the family, the person who is at the center of the home, who takes care of everyone (husband, children and grandchildren) and keeps them united». This is the testimony of Mary Joan Osunde, together with her husband David, members of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The Osunde couple has been married for 37 years, and they have seven children, two boys and five girls.
«In our culture, marriage is for life. The family is a small community within the community. All live together: the parents with their children and grandchildren, alongside the brothers and cousins, and problems are solved together. Young couples live in a single family». Many young people—explained the Osunde couple—are subjected to the influence of Western culture through the mass media and tend to imitate what is happening in Europe. «Young people today are more reluctant to get married. However, the problem is not only cultural, but mainly economic. There is no work, and so they are less likely to marry and they do not have children. Personal professional and social accomplishment, the career, is given priority over the affections and the family. Yet, the good of the individual depends on his fulfillment in family life. We Catholics must attest and spread the joy and beauty of love that is limitless, if it is lived in the love of Jesus».
«The Pope has made clear what and how Christ’s Church must be —says David—: let us embrace one another with tenderness, understanding and mercy, and so bear the light and warmth of Jesus Christ’s love. This is the key of family ministry».