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The Family in the Church   versione testuale
A day of study organized by the Ecclesiastical Court of Piedmont, on Saturday November 23rd 2013

 “The Family in the Life and Law of the Church” is the title of the Study Conference that will be hosted by the Ecclesiastical Court of Piedmont in Turin, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Theology, next Saturday November 23rd 2013.

The work will be presided over by Father Bernardino Jordan, of the Regional Commission for Family Ministry, and Rinaldo Bertolino, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law. The conclusions will be presented by the judicial Vicar, Father Ettore Signorile.
«The first setting in which faith enlightens the human city is the family»: the organizers, quoting Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter "Lumen Fidei" (n. 52), put these words on the poster for the event.
Please find the attached program.
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