In Moscow, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia spoke about the importance of the translation of the sacred text

The interplay between the modern approach to the sacred text, characterized by scientific exegesis, and the living tradition of the Church, in which listening to Scripture becomes spiritual practice, was the theme discussed in Moscow, from 26 to 28 November, in a Study Conference organized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The meeting was introduced by S. Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, and Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia participated with a lecture entitled: “
The translations of the Bible in the life of the Catholic Church”.
In his reflection (the full text in Italian is attached here), among other things, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia focused on the importance of «helping each family to have the Bible as the book from which to draw for prayer and meditation» and on the need, expressed in the conciliar documents, for the «collaboration of other Christians in translating the Bible, so that each person can understand it in his own language».
On the sidelines of the conference, Archbishop Paglia met with S. Holiness Kirill, recalling the recent Ecumenical Meeting for study on the family, which was held in Rome in the presence of the Metropolitan Hilarion, President of the Department for External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.