Alberto Friso, a member of the Pontifical Council for the Family, with his wife Anna, and President of the movement “
New Families”, in an interview with Vatican Radio, on Friday, December 6th 2013, spoke about the “
Questionnaire” with its 39 questions on issues related to ethics, doctrine and family ministry, sent to the local Churches, Dicasteries and Congregations along with the preparatory document for the Synod on the Family.
Friso said: «It's a novelty that gives extraordinary joy to our families, because we feel that, with the whole Church, all together, we can reflect and throw light on all those critical issues that we often encounter today in relationships with neighboring families, and even with relatives, in so many cases. In short, we can finally also talk and discern together the possible ways of expressing our spirit of love for our community, for the people with whom, day after day, we also have to build the history of our civil society. These 39 beautiful and lucid questions can be asked in every culture...! We are already receiving the first signs, from Asia and Africa, of the joy of Christians who don’t feel like they belong to the “second class” because they are laypeople or married».