The Secretary General of the Synod on the Family, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, was interviewed on several occasions by “
Vatican Insider” on topics that will be discussed at the Synod. On December 7th, he spoke about the question of remarried divorcees. «
We'll talk without taboos. The Orthodox experience can be helpful. The administration of the sacraments to remarried divorcees will be discussed with a new approach», Archbishop Baldisseri said.
The Secretary of the Synod notes the need to proceed with caution and, at the same time, boldly: «The Pope outs these two elements together. This means he wants these issues to be examined with prudence and, therefore, with attention to the Church’s doctrine. However, he also wants them to be examined with boldness, which for me means ‘without fear,’ taking people’s concrete circumstances into account».
So, will something change?
«The Magisterium isn’t rigid; it is the way in which the doctrine accompanies people. It’s constantly deepened and applied according to each case. The Church needs find ways to apply the doctrine that take into account the circumstances of each specific case. This approach shouldn’t immediately lead us to imagine general conclusions and rules for everyone. We need to consider each case separately. By doing so, a new way of looking at doctrine can be developed. In the end, even in the case of marriages annulments, we deal with each case separately. This is pastoral care, not a set framework».
So, is it right to assume that the theme of the administration of the sacraments to remarried divorcees is open?
«The fact that this has been included in the Questionnaire means that it is going to be dealt with. And the intention is to discuss the issue without any taboos; otherwise it would not have been mentioned. This seems obvious to me».
During the press conference on the return flight from Rio, Bergoglio recalled − without taking sides − the Orthodox practice of blessing second marriages in certain cases…
«The experience of the Orthodox Church may be helpful to us, not just in terms of synodality and collegiality, but also in the case we are talking about now, throwing light on the path. But now is not the time to discuss which solution would be best. These issues will be discussed at the Synod. We’ve started taking a different approach to these issues with respect to the past, on the basis of information and input requested from dioceses and parishes, and this will help us a great deal, along with the experience of other Churches, like the Oriental Churches. As you said, the Pope himself has referred to Orthodox practice».