The next Synod of Bishops on the Family «
is among the most important initiatives of the new pontificate, because of the problems to be dealt with and the method that will be adopted». The Jesuit Father GianPaolo Salvini stated this in “
La Civiltà Cattolica” of December 7th, 2013.
The first change, in terms of methodology—reports Fr. Salvini, sj—is the presentation of a Preparatory Document instead of the lineamenta, to expose the social setting in which the Synod will work instead of providing guidelines that direct the discussion on pre-marked paths. «The favorable reception of the current papal teaching on mercy and tenderness towards people wounded by life has raised strong expectations about the pastoral decisions that the Church could make to meet them. Therefore, it is urgent that the Synod reflect on these issues, as a dutiful expression of the Pastors’ charity towards those who are entrusted to them and toward the entire human family»,the Jesuit writes.
The questionnaire touches on unprecedented topics of consultation and direct participation of the people of God, for example in question two: “Marriage according to the Natural Law,” and in question four: “Pastoral Care in Certain Difficult Marital Situations.” «The novelty of the method and forthrightness in dealing with issues often avoided denote the decisiveness with which the Pope intends to initiate a frank discussion on the most pressing challenges in the field of the family. Nothing is said, for now, about the solutions that will be adopted, so as not to guide the answers in a predetermined direction; it seems significant that they are to be discussed openly, for example in the case of the request for opinions concerning the possible simplifying the procedures for a declaration of nullity of the marriage bond, when it comes to contraception, or with respect to the pastoral care of people of the same sex who have formed a union».
«The Church—we read—wants to listen to the problems and expectations of families, in order to offer them, in a credible way, God’s mercy. After all, this would not be the first time that the Church changes its penitential, disciplinary and legal practice, to take into account the changed circumstances of the society in which we live».