Once again the Gospel of Jesus’ birth resounds in the night of this world... The Christmas Gospel is entirely concentrated here: this child, placed in a manger. This child is our Savior, God who has come to dwell among us. It's true: he’s weak, and crying, like all babies cry. Yet, this child before us is the Creator of heaven and earth; he is the One who frees the world from evil, the One who gives people happiness and peace. Yes, this child is ‘a great joy which shall be for all people,’ as the angel repeats to us».
This is how Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of our Dicastery, comments on the Christmas readings, in the book “La Parola di Dio ogni giorno 2013” (“The Word of God Each Day in 2013. Each year, in 2014 too − “La Parola di Dio ogni giorno 2014”, I libri di Sant’Egidio – Francesco Mondadori, 20.00 € −, Msgr. Paglia takes care to accompany the daily reading of the Bible, in accordance with the teachings of the Apostle Paul: «All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work» (2 Timothy 3:16–17).
This book is an invaluable aid in the daily dialogue of each person and of the family with God, for better understanding of the Word and listening to the Lord’s message to each of us in an intimate, simple and ordinary language, with «words that make the hearts burn» because they contain the kind «thoughts, feelings, images», that Pope Francis, in the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium” (Nos. 142, 157), has wished for a good sermon.
Pope Francis has invited us many times to pray in the family, in order to fully experience the joy of faith; and, at the Holy Mass of the families, during the Pilgrimage of the world’s families to the tomb of St. Peter, on Sunday, October 27th, 2013, the Pope addressed this prayer to Jesus, Mary and Joseph: «Holy Family of Nazareth, faithful guardian of the mystery of salvation, revive in us the esteem for silence, make our families cenacles of prayer and turn them into small domestic churches; renew the desire for holiness, support the noble fatigue of work, education, listening, mutual understanding and forgiveness».