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The Light of the Family   versione testuale
The Message of the President of the Dicastery, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, for the Feast of the Holy Family in Peru

On the occasion of the diocesan meeting in Callao, Peru, on December 29th, Feast of the Holy Family, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, who on that day was in Barcelona, Spain, for Holy Mass in the Shrine of the Holy Family, sent a message. «The numerous expressions of faith and festivity celebrating the Day of the Holy Family reveal a truth deeply fixed in each person’s heart: the value of family inscribed in God’s plan. This vocation to family life is rooted in the hearts of every man and every woman». Then, he continues: «We must strive to build our family after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth, by living the virtues and values that allow us to create a bright and joyful future, in spite of the limitations and financial constraints, with the beauty we contemplate in these days».
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