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2014: Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life 
European Family Organizations make a proposal in a Manifesto
 The Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE), which assembles over 50 organizations and family movements in Europe, has presented a manifesto proposing to the European Commission to declare 2014 European Year of Reconciling Work and Family Life. This year, the United Nations celebrated the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family. It’s necessary and urgent to focus attention on the family, resource for society, and work, often at odds with family life. In fact, say the promoters of the initiative: «Families are the building blocks for a well-functioning society. Family policies have a positive effect on both unemployment and the demographic challenge. Reconciling policies that allow women and men to harmonize their professional lives and family life are essential to meeting the vital needs of families and for equality between the sexes. Policies that support families are crucial in tackling and preventing poverty and social exclusion; and it is fundamental to intervene before the poor families are marginalized. It’s necessary to bring attention to the impact that the economic and financial crisis has had on families. Families have a key role in preventing school dropout. The participation and socialization of children begins in the family. Families are the basic unit of Consumer Education, particularly when it comes to sustainable development and responsible consumption. Intergenerational relationships are particularly important in the lives of families. Families are dynamic units, where the most critical transitions from one stage of life to another take place». The logo for the initiative depicts two imperial penguins. « The mother lays the egg, to which she transfers all her nutritional reserves and entrusts it to the male, who carries it on his back and broods for about two months, while the female returns to the sea to regain strength. When the mother comes back, the family returns to the sea together, and both parents look after the young»,they explain on the site http://www.ey2014.eu/.
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