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Winds of Peace for the families of Syria   versione testuale
18-19 January 2014 for the first time on the Series A football fields

 On January 22nd, 2014, the new session of negotiations on Syria will begin in Geneva: a unique event and an opportunity to transform the winds of war in the winds of peace. Pope Francis, in his address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, on Monday, January 13th, stressed that «what is presently needed is a renewed political will to end the conflict», and he hoped that the conference «will mark the beginning of the desired peace process», adding that it is «full respect for humanitarian law remains essential» and that «it is unacceptable that unarmed civilians, especially children, become targets». The Holy Father also urged everyone «to promote and ensure in every way possible the provision of urgently-needed aid to much of the population, without overlooking the praiseworthy effort of those countries – especially Lebanon and Jordan – which have generously welcomed to their territory numerous refugees from Syria». He will visit the Middle East next May to support all efforts for peace in this troubled region.
The Pontifical Council for the Family and Caritas Italiana therefore strongly reiterate this appeal and call for an end to the conflict in Syria, which has caused a high number of deaths, the flight of millions of refugees to all neighboring countries, and destroyed more than one million families.
Two strong messages: educating for peace, globalized solidarity to build a culture of peace and express closeness to those who suffer.
Alongside the efforts to end the conflict, concrete aid in fact continues to be given to the affected population. On the occasion of the Pilgrimage of the world’s Families to the Tomb of St. Peter (October 26th and 27th, 2013), the Pontifical Council for the Family in collaboration with Caritas Italiana already launched the initiative of solidarity “The families of the world for the families of Syria” to support the interventions of Caritas Syria The project, which will last one year, plans to provide humanitarian aid to the Syrian families in difficulty, and primarily to those with children; the construction of temporary housing for displaced families as well as medical and health care to the sick, children and the elderly. The beneficiaries of the project are approximately 5,400 Syrian families (20,000 people).
The Series A Football League, with the support of the National Olympic Committee, has decided to join the initiative of the Pontifical Council for the Family and Caritas Italiana, allowing for the first day back—January 18th and 19th, 2014, in the stadiums of the ten host clubs (Atalanta, Bologna, Catania, Chievo Verona, Genoa, Juventus, AC Milan, Sassuolo, Roma and Udinese), the exposure of a banner with the inscription “The Winds of peace for the families of Syria”, in the center of the field and the transmission of a spot by Frederick Fazzuoli and Elisa Greco, with images of refugee camps in Lebanon, on the large screens.
The sports world does not forget the painful situations that affect, in Syria as in other parts of the world, too many innocent people: the game of the peace can be won together with the commitment of all. A clear sign of how everyday events can fuel WINDS OF PEACE.
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