More than 30,000 people have responded to the simplified questionnaire diffused by the Austrian dioceses in preparation for the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family and evangelization. The Catholic agency Kathpress made the fact known. This demonstrates the great interest of the faithful in Austria for the themes of the next Synod. The results will be presented on the occasion of the ad
limina Visit of the Austrian Bishops (27-31 January). Among the questions that have aroused special interest is that of the access of divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
Over the past two decades, the Austrian Church has experienced some internal tensions and dissent by groups like “We Are Church.” The Bishops have tried to respond to these problems with various initiatives of pastoral renewal, such as the 1998 National Assembly “Dialogue for Austria,” intended to search for a way to reconcile the different tendencies of Catholicism in Austria. Some of the conclusions of that Assembly concerning marriage, birth regulation, the concept of conscience, the pastoral care of homosexual persons and the divorced as well as the permanent diaconate, were criticized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Recently, the Austrian Bishops confirmed their intention to convene a “Forum on the Future of the Church”.
In their previous visit to the Holy See in 2005, Pope Benedict XVI, in view of the “painful events” and the “critical areas of social life,” encouraged the Bishops to a full teaching of Catholic doctrine, with moving words: “Please use zealously the Compendium and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Ensure that your priests and catechists use these instruments, that they are explained in parishes, associations and movements, and used in families as important reading.”