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Families Embracing Families 
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, in an interview with the Vatican Insider, talks about the renewed focus on the family in the Church

“I hope that in the next two Synods, the extraordinary one and the ordinary one, all the requests and all the concerns of the families will be discussed, and especially those that are problematic; it’s particularly necessary with respect to these—I have in mind, for example, those who are divorced and remarried— that they be openly, generously and fully received by the healthy family cells.” This is the expectation of the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, who in an interview with the Vatican Insider, pointed out, among other things, that in order to overcome the crisis it is necessary that all institutions—in politics, the economy, law, culture and society—commit themselves to putting the family at the center of the public arena, following the example of Pope Francis: “In a society like ours which is deprived of dreams and highly attractive model figures, in a Church that is sometimes anonymous and individualistic, the Pope presents himself as an evangelical father, a good father. He has given a spirit of familiarity back to the Church and to the world’s peoples so that they can understand each other better, as brothers and sisters.”
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