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Haiti: Flight from Responsibility 
The neo-cardinal Chibly Langlois, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Haiti, tells about the Country’s dramatic situation

“After the earthquake, Haiti finds itself in great difficulties: families have big economic problems, and this means that they cannot fully assume their responsibilities towards their children, and so the difficulties are enormous.” Card. Chibly Langlois, Bishop of Les Cayes and President of the Haitian Bishops’ Conference, created cardinal by Pope Francis on February 22nd, recently spoke about the problems of the families in Haiti. In an interview with Stephen Leszczynski for Vatican Radio, the first cardinal in Haiti’s history explained the complex situation of a country where social tensions are strong and the opposition between the political parties exasperated. The Church, for its part, is striving to do all that is possible: “We are working to pacify the different political parties and also the institutions that, through dialogue, can find a way out of this crisis. We have tried to focus the attention of the civil society on this dialogue. However, we have not yet come to the signing of an agreement. These institutions will certainly need to take much time in order to implement this dialogue, if its results are to be effective.” Nevertheless, continued the cardinal who recently met with the president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, “we are confident that these agreements will be signed, and that all the actors who have engaged in this dialogue will help to resolve the current crisis. By accompanying them, we hope to contribute to an agreement and then to its application.”
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