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Spotlight on Family Ministry 
The meeting of the Bishops of the Argentine Episcopal Conference in Preparation for Next October’s Extraordinary Synod
The meeting of the Bishops who compose the Permanent Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, held on March 11th and 12th, was centered on the pastoral care of family. The assembly, chaired by Msgr. José Maria Arancedo, Archbishop of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz and President of the Episcopal Conference, discussed the importance of the pastoral ministry of the diocese and of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, which will be celebrated next October in the Vatican. In addition, in the course of the work, the Bishops heard, among other episcopal organisms present, the Commission of Social Ministry and to the Department of the Laity, both of which presented their reports. The Argentine Bishops have outlined the pastoral plan to be followed, I accordance with the teachings and advice that Francis Pope expressed in Evangelii Gaudium, and they defined the agenda of the 107th Plenary Assembly, to be held next May, from the 5th to 10th, at the Cenaculo-La Montonera in city of Pilar.
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