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The Family Prevents Trafficking 
In Bucharest, on April 2nd, a meeting of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe

Trafficking in human beings and family values will be the central themes of the conference, on April 2nd, promoted at the Parliament in Bucharest by the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) in collaboration with the European Christian Political Movement, the group fighting the trafficking in human beings and the ecumenical prayer group of the Romanian Parliament. The event was proposed on the occasion of the 20th International Year of the Family, attended by the President of the FAFCE, Antoine Renard; the President of the foundation Novae Terrae, Luke Williams; the President of “In the Name of the Family,” Zeljka Markic; the President of La Manif Pour Tous, Ludovine de la Rochère; and Paweł Woliński, the President of the Council of the Fundacja Mamy i Tata. Experts from different parts of Europe will discuss the importance of family support, also in the perspective of the prevention of trafficking in human beings with the objective of finding solutions that respect the dignity of every person.
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