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The Family in Celebration 
In the 20th International Year celebrated by the United Nations, a day for examining (and enforcing) the rights of the family
As a part of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family, the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE) is organizing, at the seat of the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, a Day for the Family, that will be held on May 15th. The anniversary conference on the family, as a subject of rights enshrined by legal instruments at national, European and international levels, will close the 60th Annual Conference of the International Commission on Couple and Family Relations (ICCFR), which is being held this year in Belgium. The speakers will be Marc Morris, President of the International Commission on Couple and Family Relations, and the President of FAFCE, Antoine Renard. For information and registration: www.iccfr.org
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