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Great Activity in CELAM’S Department of the Family, Life and Youth 
These days the objectives of the Department and the work agenda for 2014 were presented

Among the many activities planned for the implementation of the permanent mission in the field of pastoral care for the family, the project Rediscovering the identity of the Ministry for the Family in Latin America for the full life and missionary communion stands out. This project follows method See, Judge and Act. With this aim, some regional conferences have been held (see) in preparation of the first Latin American Congress of Delegates of Family Ministry (judge), which will be held next August 4th and 5th, in Panama, with the participation of our President, Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia and Fr. Guillermo Gutierrez, Official for the Spanish area. The theme of the congress is: Family and Social Development for Full Life. Other regional conferences on ways to implement the pastoral care of the family in the concrete reality of the different regions are planned for later, in 2015. The three stages also correspond to the path: Listen, Discern and Convert. The project has been designed as a path of pastoral conversion, starting from the encounter-fascination with the person of Jesus, who gives us the fullness of life, so that we may then return on new roads and deliver the good news of the one who has met with the Continent’s families. For more information, visit CELAM’s site
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