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The Bases of Marriage 
A Conversation with the Bishops of the Republic of Guinea Visiting the Pontifical Council for the Family during their Ad Limina Visit.

“Priests and bishops need to be encouraged to introduce marriage formation founded on Christ and the Gospel: it is only in this way that we fill the need for valid cultural reference points in family questions.” This was what the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and the Council Secretary, Bishop Jean Laffitte, urged the bishops of the Republic of Guinea to do when they visited the Council during their ad limina visit. The meeting, attended as well by the Head of Office Father Gianfranco Grieco, centered its discussions on important current issues such as polygamy, divorce and the training of catechists and pastoral leaders, with special attention to the education of young people about mature and responsible marriage. Africa deserves special attention, Archbishop Paglia said, “and particularly careful, thorough consideration must be given to the question of the family. Africa needs to look at marriage in a broader perspective, one which comes from a living Church that is attentive to the poor. We know that this will require hard work, but it is the only way we will be able to look hopefully toward the future of Africa’s children, young people and the elderly.”
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