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Family 2.0 
In Scandicci the Vicariate’s III Day of the Family, with testimonials and awards
“Family 2.0? The Rediscovery of the Roles Makes the Beauty of the Family” is the theme of the vicariate’s third Day of the Family, which will take place on Sunday, May 4th, at the parish church of San Bartolomeo in Tuto, in Scandicci (Florence). The event will begin with a Mass presided over by Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The celebration will be followed by testimonies about the roles and dynamics in the family, and Andrea Taddei, psychotherapist at the Misericordia di Empoli and family ministry agent in the diocese of Florence, will intervene. At the end of the meeting, there will be an encounter with Cardinal Antonelli. On this occasion, awards will be presented to the winners of the photo and drawing contest “Once upon a time there was a family ... and there still is,” which closes on April 22nd. For information: s.bartolo-familyday@libero.it.
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