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The Family for the Well-Being of All 
Received at the PCF during their ad limina visit, the Bishops of Tanzania were invited by the Pope to give more support to the family in their country

In keeping with tradition, the Bishops of Tanzania were received at the Pontifical Council for the Family during their ad limina visit, in the course of which Pope Francis exhorted them to support the general prosperity of their country by promoting the family: “ evangelization begins in the home. The gift that healthy families represent is felt with particular vitality in Africa. By promoting prayer, marital fidelity, monogamy, purity and humble service of one another within families, the Church continues to make an invaluable contribution to the social welfare of Tanzania, one which, coupled with her educational and healthcare apostolates, will surely foster greater stability and progress in your country.” Tanzania’s society registers a significant presence of Christians (constituting over 40% of the population, followed by the Muslims who form 35%), where Catholics represent one third of the total (13 million and 626 million people). Moreover, many schools and health facilities have been constructed over the years and are run by the Church, (hundreds of preschools and secondary schools, as well as dozens of hospitals); consequently, the Tanzanian governments have been led to coordinate common social policies with the Church.
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