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The Family at the Festival 
A meditation on the fourth commandment and a conference on the family: Msgr. Paglia in Benevento and Florence

Two religious events featured personal contributions from the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, H.E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia. The first, Symbolum, The Festival of Faith 2014, was organized in Benevento with the focus being upon the family, and witnessed a meditation by Msgr. Paglia entitled, “Honor your father and mother,” taking place in the basilica of St. Bartholomew. Msgr. Paglia stated, “ It is significant that the first commandment following the initial three commandments referring directly to God has to do with human life. A commandment that today, with the disappearance of the father and the attack on maternity, acquires an even greater importance, such that it becomes absolutely crucial for our contemporary society.” The second event, the Festival of Religions in Florence, saw the presence and contributions both of both Msgr. Paglia and Aldo Cazullo of the Corriere della Sera in the presentation entitled, “The Family in the Church of Francis,” which was dedicated to the relationship of the Pope and the family.
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