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The Association “La Quercia Millenaria”   versione testuale
An association that accompanies and assists couples expecting children with birth defects and illness

The Association “La Quercia Millenaria” is composed of numerous Italian families that for the past 9 years have committed themselves to assist couples expecting children with defects, often of the most grave types. The founders, Carlo and Sabrina Paluzzi, are convinced that abortion is never the solution to these types of situations and that every child has the right to be accompanied by his or her parents until natural death. For the founders, the conviction is a profound one, stemming from their own personal experience with their third and last child, Giona. Giona was diagnosed with malformation of the urinary tract, not being expected to be born alive or to die shortly after birth. Doctors had suggested abortion and the couple refused. Sabrina recounts that they immediately refuted this idea, desiring that the child pass on naturally. God, however, according to Sabrina, did something greater and thus they met a “holy doctor”, Prof. Giuseppe Noia del Gemelli, who attempted to treat the child in utero via means that they had not known of before. Sabrina describes that having done the treatment in utero, and subsequently fighting against infections and hospitalizations, the child is now almost 11 years old and though having some problems today the child fills their house with light and joy, a reminder that only God is the Lord of life.
Carlo and Sabrina thus, with significant contributions from Prof. Noia (specialist in gynecology, obstetrics, and fetal surgery) and other courageous doctors, founded the Association “La Quercia Millenaria”, which is formed of national network of families having made similar decisions to that of the Paluzzis. Later in 2006 the “Centro assistenza per il feto terminale” was founded as the first and only prenatal hospital in Italy (in the USA there are more 190) offering assistance to children in utero who are gravely ill in specialized centers like the “Policlinico Agostino Gemelli”. The center is located in Fiano Romano and is for many an important point of material (more than 1000 families in 9 years have received free assistance) and spiritual support (during the therapy the families are accompanied in through a path of prayer, love, and peace).
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