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Mercy and Law Marriage 
The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, organized a One-day Seminar on Mercy and Law in Marriage this past Thursday, May 22
As part of its academic contribution towards a general reflection on relevant themes which will become the object of discussion at the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, entitled, Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization, the academic seminar aimed at stimulating both canonical and theological considerations on the importance of mercy within the canonical regulation of marriage, while taking into account existing pastoral challenges concerning the family. From this perspective, the seminar focused upon four aspects of the Church’s pastoral care of marriage. To be precise: (i) the regulation of the Church’s admission of couples to the celebration of marriage, (ii) the Church’s pastoral care of marriage, in particular, the care of marriages and families in crisis, (iii) the Church’s regulation of the process concerning the nullity of marriages, (iv) and finally, the Church’s pastoral care of divorced and civilly remarried faithful.
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