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Regensburg: The family’s at the center   versione testuale
Focus on the themes of the Synod during the Day of German Catholics, from May 28th to June 1st

Family morals and the perspectives of the Christian family will be the particular focus, from May 28th to June 1st, during the 99th edition of the Katholikentag, the Day of German Catholics, in Regensburg, Germany. Close to one 100,000 participants are expected at the event sponsored by the Central Committee of German Catholics, the Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken (ZDK), which has chosen for this year the theme "Building Bridges with Christ," and promises faith paths, intergenerational encounters and ecumenical dialogue.

"The meeting—says Alois Glück, President of the ZDK—will progress as a reflection on the image of Christians and on the equal dignity of people, while seeking to create a festive atmosphere, open to non-believers and attentive to young people, especially to those who are experiencing difficulties in the working world or in the ethical field." "These days—says the Bishop of Regensburg, Msgr. Rudolf Voderholzer—are always a sign to shape the future through the testimony of faith."
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