The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Msgr. Jean Laffitte, was a key figure present during the Asian Conference on the Family held in Manila from May 13 – 16.
The first presentation given during the morning of May 13 at the opening of the Conference, was a passionate one with the theme being the challenges of post modernity facing the family. Msgr. Laffitte illustrated the nature of these challenges, their effects, and a possible catholic response. Particular attention was given to marriage preparation by His Excellency, as he stated that:
«one has to tell the engaged couple explicitly that the indissolubility of marriage requires a genuine commitment on their part for all of their life. (…) In conversation with the priest one may gently bring up some cases where respect for the indissolubility of marriage requires sacrificing something. For instance, if one of them falls seriously ill, when the union is not naturally fertile, and finally when a marriage is damaged by a betrayal but saved by the forgiveness of the other».
Relevant also was Msgr. Laffitte’s contribution to the meeting of Philippine government officials and jurists. Here the Secretary of the PCF developed the idea that if the way of thinking pervasive in liberal culture is taken to its extreme consequences, this poses danger to the very democratic order itself:
«In fact, a liberal society in the ideological sense of the term excludes any reflection concerning personal ethical questions. In reality, it always places itself above substantive debates and disqualifies them. This liberal culture, this tolerant society imposes one thought. In this, it is totalitarian».
Extremely important as well was the meeting of Msgr. Laffitte, accompanied by the President of the Philippine Episcopal Conference Archbishop Socrates Villegas, and the president of the Republic of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III, at the presidential palace of Malacañang.
During this most cordial official meeting, the President of the republic showed the Secretary of the PCF the governmental programs orientated toward helping the Philippine families, above all those living in deep poverty. This help comes mainly via monetary subsidies given to the poor families, so as to keep their children in school. Presently there are around 20 million families in the Philippines and the president said that the government is now able to support 4.5 million of them.
The presentation of May 15 given by Msgr. Laffitte had as its theme the Charter of the Rights of the Family, and dealt with the dangers facing the family, for example of the so called “marriage for everyone”, which the Secretary of the PCF considered:
«is the central point of a true revolutionary project that seeks to overturn the most fundamental structures of social life. In respect of the same project in my country, I can only quote the lady who was Minister of Justice, who stated that the so-called mariage pour tous was designed as a true change of civilization».
In the final presentation of 16 May, at the University of St. Thomas, the Secretary of the PCF, after having encouraged the more than 5 thousand people there to become lights of hope for the world, highlighted the beauty of human love and the design of God for the family. Speaking of the lack of respect for marriage and family present in many countries of the world, Msgr. Laffitte highlighted that as no legislator can take away from families Jesus’ promise to always be with them, living in there midst. Thus:
«when the spouses and parents recognize that they receive from God such gift of love, they accept with all their hearts the presence of the Lord in their home. A Christian family is a family where God dwells. The Christian tradition has always decreed the family as “domestic church.” This means a place where God should be loved and adored. This establishes a true communion between persons. It is founded on a rock, on Christ himself».