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Zimbabwe’s Bishops Discuss the Family   versione testuale
During the ad limina visit to the Pontifical Council for the Family, the African Bishops made the point on the issues to be dealt with: marriage, polygamy and divorce

The importance of family and the formation of the youth on marriage, and the continuous preparation of priests and catechists for spiritual accompaniment of the spouses after marriage, but also polygamy, divorce, single-parent families, and AIDS orphans were the main issues discussed by the Bishops of Zimbabwe during their ad limina visit on June 4th at the Pontifical Council for the Family. In response to the pastoral challenges, the Bishops encourage prayer in the family, participation in the Eucharist, and formation on the importance of marriage as a sacrament, which helps young couples to live their marriage and raise their children with fidelity, in love and the Christian faith. During the meeting, the superiors of the Dicastery listened attentively to the Bishops and encouraged them to continue working with hope, and to remain close to all families, especially those in difficulty. The Bishops expressed their satisfaction after a fruitful exchange of information and a dialog about the new perspectives on family pastoral ministry for a lively church that is always on mission.
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