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Integrated in the Trinitarian Family 
Msgr. Paglia presides at the mass for Corpus Domini in San Giovanni Rotondo
On Thursday June 19, Msgr. Vicenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, celebrated the mass for Corpus Domini in the lower church of Saint Pio da Pietralcina, in San Giovanni Rotondo.
The holy mass was part of the conference program organized in the city of the saintly Capuchin friar by the National Office for Pastoral Work for the Family of CEI, on the theme of “The Family as the Womb of Life: What Paths for Adoption and Foster Care?” Msgr. Paglia spoke of adoption during his homily dedicated to the Corpus Domini: “ Yet again the Holy Trinity – the Holy Family of three Divine Persons – surprises us: The Father sends his ‘natural’ son to take the flesh of humanity so that through the Holy Spirit men and women could be adopted, allowing them to participate – what an extraordinary integration! – in the joyful richness of His love. We can say thus that the feast of Corpus Domini is truly a feast of the integration of adoptive children into the Trinitarian Family, where the flesh of humanity is made to take integral part of the Trinitarian mystery. It is beautiful that all the adoptive children can be united to the First born child, so as to pray together the ‘Our Father’”.
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