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Renewing the "Yes" 
A Baida (Palermo), since 2003, special pastoral care for those who are separated but not remarried, in the footsteps of the Servant of God Francesco Paolo Gravina

"To receive fraternally the separated or divorced person who lives the pain of marital discord and be traveling companion in a painful moment of life." This is the aim of the group "Santa Maria di Cana - Separati o divorziati fedeli agli impegni del matrimonio” (St. Mary of Cana - Separated or divorced, faithful to the commitments of marriage) that will renew its "Yes," on Sunday, June 29th at the convent of the Sisters of Charity of the Prince of Palagonia, in Baida (Palermo). For eleven years now, the group has offered pastoral care to people who are separated or divorced but not remarried or cohabiting: the course aims to rebuild the identity of the children of God, to initiate the process of forgiveness and highlight the nuptial identity. Each year, at the end of the series of meetings, the separated or divorced persons, wishing to do so, can renew their marital commitments as a community. During the event, Father Giuseppe Di Giovanni, vice postulator of the cause of beatification of the Servant of God Francesco Paolo Gravina, Prince of Palagonia, will evoke the earthly stages as a historical example of fidelity in marriage. Separated from his wife, Lady Nicoletta Filangeris, after ten years of marriage, because she betrayed him, at age 29 he was able to get divorced in order to remarry. However, Prince Francesco Paolo chose to remain faithful to God and dedicated his life to the poor of Palermo as a Franciscan tertiary.
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