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A Bible in Every Family 
On September 28th, at the Meeting dedicated to the elderly, thousands of copies of the Gospel of Mark, in large print, will be distributed
On June 26th, at the closing of the biblical exhibition "Verbum Domini II," organized by the American Bible Society and housed in the Vatican during the past months, the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, expressed the desire that every family in the world may have a Bible in its own language. Now, precisely to start making this dream come true, the President of the PCF has decided that, on September 28th, the Day dedicated to the elderly, copies of the Gospel of Mark, in large print, will be distributed as a gift to the tens of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square. Thus, grandparents and seniors will receive the first tool that helps them to support the younger generation by being witnesses of hope.
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