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A renewed evangelization of Africa 
Msgr. Paglia presents to the Assembly of AMECEA in Malawi
The President of the PCF was in Lilongwe, from the 16th – 18th of July, by invitation of the AMECEA, the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa. AMECEA is meeting in the capital city of Malawi for the 18th Plenary Assembly from the 16 – 26th of July. More than 200 bishops, along with groups of priests and lay delegates are reflecting upon challenges to and the necessity of a renewed evangelization of modern Africa. In this context, the President presented upon the pastoral care of the family in light of the upcoming extraordinary synod in October. During the opening mass celebrated in the Civo Stadium of the capital before 10,000 Malawians, H.E. Msgr. Paglia was delegated to deliver the palium to the Archbishop of Lilongwe, H.E. Msgr. Tarcisio Ziyaye, who was not able to be present for the celebration in Saint Peter’s of this past June 29th, which was presided by Pope Francis.
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