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A New "Yes" 
From Palermo’s Office of Family Ministry, a pathway designed for the separated and divorced who have not remarried
"Rebuilding the identity of the children of God, starting the process of forgiveness, and bringing to light again the identity of marriage." These are the objectives of the group "Saint Mary of Cana - Separated or divorced, faithful to the commitments of marriage," promoted by the Family Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Palermo. For the past eleven years, this specific pastoral care has been proposed to those who are separated / divorced but not remarried or cohabiting. Each year, at the end of the series of meetings, the pathway gives people who are separated or divorced, and who desire it, the opportunity to renew their matrimonial commitments in community. This initiative, launched in the Archdiocese of Palermo to "fraternally welcome the separated or divorced person, who is experiencing the pain of marital discord, and be traveling companions in the painful moments," has inspired other dioceses, where similar groups have been created, for example in Cremona, Cesena and Biella.
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