"The Family: A Project" is the main theme of the 2014 Missionary days in Portugal, which will be celebrated in Fatima on September 20th and 21st, at the Centro Paolo VI. At these encounters "the issue of the family in all its different components is discussed—said Father Antonio Lopes, director of the Portuguese Pontifical Mission and the event’s organizer—, and they help to discover the right way to consider it and support it’s desire for a better life, as a community of faith, through participation, respect, care, growth, and solidarity." For Father Lopes, it is highly "necessary to pay attention to anything that may weaken the family unit, such as violence," because "if, on one hand, the family exists and maintains values, on the other, contemporary culture exalts the individual and leads to individualism." This two-day meeting, will be divided into sessions on "The Family Today," "Gospel and Mission" and "Family and communication", while looking ahead towards October’s Extraordinary Synod on the family. The family—concludes Father Lopes—"is a place of dialogue, because there the child learns to name the world, to express his/her feelings and desires, and to ask questions". Here, finally, the child begins to "learn about the relationship between love and truth, forgiveness and solidarity, the link between 'I', 'us' and 'others'."