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In Service of Families 
The John Paul II Institute and the Italian Bishops' Conference offer a course in family ministry intended for priests, religious and deacons

This course of on-going formation in family ministry: "The Good Shepherd Gives His Life to the Family," intended especially for priests, religious and deacons, is promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, in collaboration with the national offices of the Italian Bishops' Conference for the pastoral care of the family and for the pastoral care of vocations. The objective of this two-month part-time course (from Tuesday morning to noon on Thursday), from October 7th to November 27th, will aim to "incite priests in the deepest part of the heart to accompany the families. By comparing family life and the priestly ministry—the promoters explain—it’s possible to gain a richer understanding of each one’s specific vocation to love. Structured so that the priests may continue pastoral work in their parishes or dioceses, the course offers an interactive combination of classes on anthropology, moral, pastoral and social theology, as well as testimonies, workshops and cultural programs.
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