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God’s Grace is Present in even the Most Difficult Situations 
On the afternoon of 8 October, a Synod animated by mercy addressed, among other issues, those related to divorced and remarried persons
Many observations, all focused on the difficult pastoral situations, marked the lively debate of the VI Extraordinary General Congregation of the Synod on the Family, which met on Wednesday afternoon. Especially the spontaneous interventions during the free discussion highlighted the need for continuing the promotion of listening groups for divorced and remarried persons; it was also stressed that in these cases it is important to "avoid moral judgment or speaking of a 'permanent state of sin,' while seeking instead to enable understanding that not being admitted to the sacrament of the Eucharist does not entirely eliminate the possibility of grace in Christ and is due rather to the objective situation of remaining bound by a previous and indissoluble sacramental bond. In this respect, the importance of spiritual communion was emphasized repeatedly."
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