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Paul VI, pope of the family and of life, will be beatified   versione testuale
The announcement to come at the end of the extraordinary synod on the family

Paul VI will be beatified this upcoming Sunday October 19, 2014 in St. Peter’s square.
Through his intercession an inexplicable healing took place of an unborn child facing death or grave defects. The miracle in effect recalled the great committment of Pope Paul VI to protect life, against abortion and contraception, particularly as expressed in the Encylical Humanae Vitae.
Giovanni Battista Montini was born on the 26th of September 1897 and died on the feast of the transfiguration of the Lord, on August 6th 1978, at Castel Gandolfo. He was elected Pope on the 26th of June 1963. The Postulator for his Cause is Fr. Antonio Marrazzo, who is a Redemptorist priest hailing from Naples, Italy. Fr. Marrazzo said the following regarding Paul VI after the promulgation of the decree by Pope Francis on May 9, 2014:
“I will not change with regard to what I have done, of that which I wrote,” because the Encyclical was read in reductionistic way. He wanted the Encyclical to be on conjugal love, the discourse, thus, is much more vast, though later it was read in a unilateral by some. I think that the idea of Montini was, on the one hand, to conserve the continuity of that which was the doctrinal patrimony of the Church; on the other hand, searching to come to an encounter of the value of the conjugal reality of the family, in the urgencies presented by the modern world. Obviously, there are always people who always agree and disagree on certain things. Paul VI was unhappy above all with the violent responses made by some people. He wasn’t overly disturbed though; he knew to follow that which was God’s will in that historical moment and that is what he did.”
Paul VI, the Pope of the Council, concluded Vatican II on the 8th of December 1965 with an expression of warm regards to the modern societies of our age.
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