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Everyone in the Streets 
The "Delegación de la Familia y Vida" of the Diocese of Toledo proposes a major event for November 22nd

Spiritual Exercises, gatherings for couples, courses, presentations of books are just some of the initiatives of the "Delegación de la Familia y Vida" of the Diocese of Toledo intended "to spread the beauty of the Gospel." The association is organizing a large demonstration in the streets for November 22nd to defend the right to life and mothers living difficult pregnancies. "We must all do everything we can to contribute to the victory of good," writes Benigno Blanco, president of the Foro de la Familia, in a letter explaining "Why people should go to the event." "Since we can express our democratic participation by demonstrating, we have the duty to exert influence on the issue of the defense of life in Spain’s political debate today. The general public and, in particular, legislators and Spanish civil authorities—the letter continues—will see that millions of Spaniards are not willing to endure unjust laws." The event on November 22nd "is meant to be a friendly but challenging conversation with 48 million Spaniards: by force of numbers and the impact of the crowd in the street, we will say to all of society, and particularly our leaders, that the life of the unborn child is important to us and that we are not willing to allow the State not to protect the life and motherhood, that we are not indifferent when it comes to repealing, or not, unjust laws. Here and now, we can only go out into the streets and do not be silent."
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