Magisterial Documents on the Family 
The fundamental and official words of the Pastors of the Church on the family and life: a heritage of six centuries of the Church's authoritative reflection is available to all online.

ECUMENICAL COUNCILSCouncil of Florence Council of Trent Second Vatican Council Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1992; nos. 1601–1666, 1691–1698, 2331–2359, 2360–2400, 2514–2533 PAPAL MAGISTERIUMLeo XIII Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul II - Charter of the Rights of the Family, 1983
- In the Service of Life, 1992
- The Church and the International Year of the Family, 1993
- Ethical and Pastoral Dimensions of Population Trends, 1994
- The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. Guidelines for Education within the Family, 1995
- Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage, 1996
- Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life, 1997
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Persona humana, 1975
- Donum Vitae, 1987
- Annus Internationalis, 1994
- Instruction Dignitas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions, 2008
Pontifical Council for Legislative TextsMEETINGS WORLD OF FAMILIESRome, 1994Rio, 1997Rome, 2000Manila, 2003Valencia, 2006Mexico, 2009Milano, 2012 OTHER DOCUMENTS OF THE PCF - The Sexual Exploitation of Children, 1992
- The Natural Methods for the Regulation of Fertility, 1992
- The Rights of the Family and the Media, 1993
- The Rights of the Family on the Threshold of the Third Millennium, 1993
- The Institutes for the Family and for Bioethics, 1993
- 25th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae, 1993
- The Rights and Care of the Elderly, 1993
- Family and Adoption, 1994
- The Family and the Cairo Conference, 1994
- Marriage and the Family in the World, 1994
- May The Domestic Church be the Sanctuary of Life, 1995
- The Family and the Economy in the Future of Society, 1996
- The Dignity of the family and Life in American Politics, 1996
- The Family and Demography in Europe, 1996
- The Family: Gift and Commitment, 1996
- Liberalization of Drugs?, 1997
- The Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried, 1997
- Families of Children with Cerebral Impairments, 1997
- The Family - Rio de Janeiro, 1997
- Declaration on the decrease of fertility in the world, 1998
- Human Rights and the Rights of the Family, 1998
- The Family and Human Rights on the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1999
- The Family and Life in Europe Today, 1999
- The Family and Human Rights, 1999
- Declaration on the Resolution of the European Parliament, which Equates the Family with "de facto" Unions, Including Same Sex Unions, 2000
- Family, marriage and "de facto" unions, 2000
- Cloning: the disappearance of direct parenthood and denial of the family, 2003
- Family values versus "safe sex", 2003