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Opening of the new "Documents" section 
Starting today, dozens of official documents on the family and life, chosen among the conciliar documents and papal texts, are directly available on our Dicastery's website

From today on, a large section entirely devoted to Church documents that speak about the family and life, from the Council of Florence (1439) up to the present, is offered on our website to all users who want to retrace and deepen the more recent history of the first reality of love that is our society's foundation. In this particular area, in addition to conciliar texts, it will be possible to consult those of the Pontifical Magisterium published in the course of the past 150 years, the documents produced by the Curia—in particular by the Pontifical Council for the Family—, and all the documents collected on the occasion of the seven world Meetings of Families, from the first one in Rome in 2000 to the most recent meeting hosted by the city of Milan in 2012. This new "Documents" section can be found on the Home Page, just under the header of the site and next to the traditional sections of "Church", "Society", "Culture", "People" and "Events", thus rendering the portrait of family experience clearer and more precise, capable of inspiring and engaging the deepest desires of women and men of our time. Magisterial Documents on the Family
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