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"The Young and Received Faith," "The Young and Celebrated Faith," and "The Young and Witnessed Faith" are the major themes of the three-year pastoral plan approved by the Plenary Assembly of the Angolan Bishops, which ended on October 19 in Luanda. The theme of youth will be taken up in all the archdioceses and dioceses during the National Eucharistic Congress, on 13 November. Reflecting on the country's socio-political, economic, and religious situation, the Bishops noted with concern that the economic and financial crisis continues affecting the purchasing power of families already exhausted...
"Loving is our mission – We discover the beauty of the family together" is the theme of the 4th National Family Congress scheduled for 29 October, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The work at this gathering, organized by the Ministry for the Family and Life of the local Bishops' Conference, will begin at 2:30 pm and be preceded by a Mass celebrated at 12:00 noon in the city's Cathedral.        
The family was at the center of the pastoral projects, religious education in schools, and a document on catechesis presented at the Plenary Assembly of the Croatian Bishops, last week in Zagreb. In the light of the results of the last two Synods of Bishops on the family and Pope Francis' Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, the bishops decided to relaunch an old project of the Episcopal Conference aimed at preparing couples for Christian marriage.   The aim is to provide greater and more systematic teaching at the preparatory meetings and to ensure permanent accompaniment for couples...
"The Family: Center of Love and Mercy" is the title of the project realized by the Hispanic community of the Diocese of Raleigh, in the USA. On the occasion of the Year of Mercy, all the catecheses published throughout the year have been collected in three volumes: "The Family: The place of what’s necessary," "Family, migrants and refugees question us," "Family, trust in merciful love."   Download the volumes:   Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
Evangelization, the family and marriage, human life and dignity, vocations and continuing education, as well as religious freedom are the priorities for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which will meet in Baltimore for its autumn General Assembly, from 14 to 16 November. The bishops—reports the Fides Press Agency—will discuss and vote the Conference's Strategic Plan for the years 2017-2020, based on the five priorities approved last November. These priorities are: Evangelization: Open wide the doors to Christ through missionary discipleship and personal encounter;...
A double celebration took place last Sunday in the Archdiocese of Mexico City, with the commemoration of 490th anniversary of Friar Toribio's book "The History of the Indians of New Spain" and the first Christian marriage officiated in Mexico. During Holy Mass, presided by Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera in Mexico City's Cathedral, many couples renewed their marriage vows amidst great emotion.  
An commented edition of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia is the fruit of the collaboration between the French Bishops' Conference and the Jesuits Faculty of Paris. The intention, organizers explain, is "to give Catholics a step-by-step reading guide to the Exhortation that will help them to understand it."   In the preface, Msgr. Jean-Luc Brunin, Bishop of Le Havre and President of the Council for Family and Society of the French Bishops' Conference, insists on aspects of the Exhortation inherent in the Magisterium. Each chapter is preceded by a concise presentation, the entire text...
"Bebet-AB. The Adventure of the Bible in the Family" is the series aired on the diocesan TV channel of the Archdiocese of Toledo, in which families of the diocese tell about the possibility of practicing Lectio Divina in the family. "Bebet-AB" means "the Father’s the house" in Hebrew—said the promoters—, "and it is an experience to be lived in the family together with prayer. Month after month, we can live an adventure in which God shows that He is a member of the family, and His story is no longer that of a stranger but rather a model for our lives." First stop: Creation. The...
"Experiencing the joy of love in the family" is the goal at the origin of the proposals made by the delegation Family and Life of the Archdiocese of Toledo that is boosting the family with workshops, projects, pilgrimages, and entertainment programs: firstly, the TV show "The Joy of Love," aired Mondays at 10:00 pm on the diocesan TV channel with insights on Amoris Laetitia, then the series "Bebet-AB. The Adventure of the Bible in the Family" in which families of the diocese tell about the possibility of practicing Lectio Divina in the family, and "Nazareth's Workshop," a program for children up...
"Amoris Laetitia.... separated persons speak out" is the theme of the conference that will be held on 20 October at the Auditorium Maggiolini di Rho (Milan). "The objective—the promoters explain—is to gain deeper insight into Pope Francis' recent Apostolic Exhortation, through the eyes of one who is personally injured by the tragedy of separation." Ernesto Emanuele, separated since 1998 and founder of the Association "Famiglie separate cristiane," will speak.    