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Two Sacraments, One Alliance   versione testuale
The John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family is sponsoring a Theological Colloquium on the Eucharist and Marriage

"The Eucharist and Marriage: Two Sacraments, One Alliance" is the theme of the theological colloquium sponsored by the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family that will be held on April 22nd. This event, says its organizers, "is a step on the way of the reflection and study with which the Institute intends to accompany the synodal path desired by Pope Francis." Especially the bond between the sacraments of the Eucharist and marriage presents itself as "a privileged place for connecting and clarifying different aspects of both the sacraments and ecclesiology. The Eucharist and marriage are both sacraments of love, sacraments of the flesh, sacraments of the promise." Yet, "how are they articulated with one another? How can the language of the body be used to communicate God's grace? The colloquium intends to explore these questions—add the organizers—in order to discover, in the rapport between the Eucharist and marriage, a key to the whole sacramental economy. Moreover, the vital cohesion of these two sacraments will appear as the original source of the entire family ministry in the Church."
The introductory lecture will be given by the president, Msgr. Livio Melina. Then, during the first session, focused on the theme "The Eucharist and Marriage: The center of the confession of faith," the speakers will be Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Joseph Atkinson of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute in Washington, Father José Granados of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute, and Noelle Hausman of the Faculty of Theology of the Society of Jesus in Brussels. During the second session, under the title "The Eucharist and Marriage on the road of the Church," lectures will be given by Card. Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Msgr. Sergio Ubbiali of the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy, Alexandra Diriart of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute and Father Bernhard Blankenhorn of the St. Thomas Pontifical University.
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