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In the Service of the Family   versione testuale
The formative proposal of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family for the academic year at the start

"A better understanding of the truth about marriage and the family, in the light of faith, with the help also of the various human sciences" and "preparing priests, religious and lay people to play a service academic and pastoral better qualified." Bearing in mind the objectives underlying its foundation, built 34 years ago by St. John Paul II, the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family offers training courses for the new academic year.
In addition to the diploma in family ministry, the licentiate in theology of marriage and the family and to its doctorate, the institute offers a course of training in family ministry to priests and some master: Science of marriage and the family, bioethics and education , Family counseling, fertility and marital sexuality (also available in French-speaking).
Classes will begin on October 5.
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