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"Mum, Dad & Kids" 
The European Commission has said yes to the citizen initiative: The family is based on marriage between man and woman
The European Commission has said yes to the "Mum Dad & Kids." "We acknowledge this decision with great satisfaction," said the citizen committee that, last October 15th, submitted the Commission a petition of measures that it considers compatible with the fundamental values of the European Union, i.e., the definition of marriage as a union exclusively between a man and a woman, and the definition of the family based on marriage. The initiative of "Mum Dad & Kids" enables European citizens to finally have a say on a subject close to their hearts. "The law—said the committee in a press release—must be conform to a universal human reality: marriage and the family create the secure and stable environment in which children can grow up with a father and a mother. This is what is best for them—as the Convention on the Rights of the Child notes—and, therefore, this is also what is best for society." Soon you will be able to join the initiative online.
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